A logo for You Must Relax
Question marks arranged into a Forward button.It's a little doritos bag you click to make the table of contents go brrrr.A larger image of the tip jar icon.

        If you have something to spare, and if the content of this book has moved you, I ask that you consider donating to the Amazon Labor Union, a grassroots movement to organize real people against the dehumanizing behemoth of convenience.      
        The ALU won a historic victory in April 2022, but their momentum has stalled in the quagmire of Amazon’s lies and legal attacks. Though they want to expand, they can barely afford the legal fees it takes to defend what they’ve won. They could use a hand.    
        If you feel compelled to lend your author a hand, share this book with 3 or 4 friends. (Bonus points if those friends are publishers...) As humiliating as marketing a satire of marketing is, it must be done if we're ever to hold hard copies of this book in our hands, a dream of mine that weighs more than the shame of pursuing it. Publishers considering a web-book often look at the site's visitor count to determine whether or not it will be viable (analytics!), so anything you can do to spread the word helps my chances of attaining said dream.
        If you want to say hi, or if you'd like help telling a story or building a website, visit me at www.harrisoncolegatlin.com.
       Much love, such peace.                          


A camera icon denoting an Instagram button.